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Massage Magazine, April 2001

Massage Eases the Journey Through Menopause
by Moryt Milo

"Massage can help empower women to feel good about the changes they're going through. The combination of touch, talk and nurturing can connect women with the wisdom of their bodies. … That place of wisdom knows that menopause is an important journey in each woman's life." Moryt Milo

Massage therapy to relieve the symptoms of menopause is discussed in Moryt Milo's article, "Massage Eases the Journey Through Menopause." The three stages of menopause, perimenopause, menopause and post menopause, are detailed by Milo. Throughout her article, Milo refers to Pat Rackowski, a massage therapist and member of the North American Menopause Society. Rackowski believes massage therapists "are the first line of health care" for women going through menopause, and that simply talking about menopause with her clients is of utmost importance. Milo examines how touch therapy can reduce menopausal symptoms by increasing the flow of lymph and circulation, decreasing headaches, migraines and neck and shoulder tension, and re-establishing a connection with the body to "honor the changes they're experiencing." Susan Weed, author of Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way, contributes her opinion in Milo's article. "Menopausal women want menopausal mentors … bodyworkers and massage therapists are really well-set-up to be that," Weed states. A sidebar of 10 common physical symptoms of menopause and a sidebar giving therapist-to-therapist advice on how to deal with menopause while working are included.




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Last modified: April 17, 2001